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What is Pilates?

Pilates is a training approach that will help your body achieve more balance and flexibility, no matter what your age or physical ability may be. You will improve your posture, coordination, breathing, concentration and endurance in a gentle way. This system of motion for body, soul and spirit strengthens and stretches your torso, pelvic floor and shoulder muscles at the same time.

After a Pilates lesson, you will feel more vibrant and full of energy, rather than exhausted.

"True age is not measured in years" (Joseph Pilates).


So, what does Pilates do for you?



Philosophie / Basic principles



When you inhale and exhale deeply, the blood is perfectly oxygenated and eliminates toxins. As a result, the muscles work better, and you can think more clearly. Breathing rhythms intensify every exercise. It is important not to push out the chest or abdomen or to raise the shoulders when inhaling.



The muscle groups of the abdomen, buttocks, back and the inner thighs form the "CORE" or "POWERHOUSE". A strong body core is crucial for Pilates because that core controls and steers movement.



Every movement should be executed with one hundred percent concentration, to avoid the energy evaporating in a void.



If the exercises are carried out meticulously, the energy is condensed, and you will benefit from the movements. As a result, you will make progress more quickly.



In order to achieve positive results with Pilates exercises, it is important to make sure that the movements are precise and controlled. The quality of the execution is more important than the number of repetitions.


Flow of movement:

With Pilates, each exercise flows into the next with "energetic dynamics" and a minimum of actual movement. There are no abrupt, uncomfortable transitions, all exercises are performed in a relaxed and graceful manner.

The Team

Get an idea about our team and what we consider important in our work. We are looking forward to welcoming you!


Our Team


Our services

You would like to make a change and are interested in our offer? Let us show you, what we can do for you.



Book an appointment

Would you like to book an appointment for an individual Pilates lesson? Book your appointment conveniently online.


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Bundesstrasse 6
6300 Zug





041 710 09 17


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